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What is Cyclical Nutrition and Fitness?

Cyclical fitness takes the focus off macros and traditional training methods, and puts the focus on your ABCs - actual body cues. Did you know in each of the four phases of your cycle (menstruation, follicular, ovulation and luteal), that there are more optimal ways to workout as well as different nutritional needs? Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain, or just a healthier cycle (no more PMS!) and do not want to worry about calories or 'losing progress' when your cycle has you feeling tired, then this can be a solution for you! Check out cyclical workouts here:

Rebalance hormones

PMS is NOT Normal

While PMS (headaches, fatigue, acne, bloating, cravings and so much more) is extremely common, it is actually not normal. Those cues are our bodies way of telling us that our hormones are unbalanced. The good news is, using cyclical nutrition and fitness, you can re-balance them and feel amazing! This also goes for anyone in perimenopause or postmenopausal.

Fix sleep issues


Getting full hormone panels is a surefire way to know what is happening. We also use specific cues, such as spotting, mood, hair/skin, cycle length, water retention and more to figure out what hormones are out of balance and where to start your journey. Using the Floka app, together you and I can see real time results, communicate on what to focus on, make nutritional changes and communicate easily. Check out this link:

Improve mental health

Mental Health MATTERS

By taking the focus off hitting specific calories and macros, or having to hit certain progressions in the gym each week 'no matter what', we put the focus on creating a healthy relationship with food and your body. If you have ever struggled with body image, over-training, feeling like foods are only 'good' or 'bad', then I encourage you to take the first step towards fitness freedom!

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